Brendon Burchard er i gang igjen. Han GIR BORT sin nye bok akkuratt nå!
Hans nye bok er kalt «The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives that make you feel alive», som skulle passe bra til dere som er interessert i personlig utvikling. Jeg venter selv på min kopi av boken som blir lansert til tirsdagen.
Få din kopi før alle er tatt:
Mange sier at boken er fantastisk allerede, etter å ha fått lest den:
“The Charge is an inspiring guide to the one thing we all want: more life in our lives. Brendon Burchard proves that we can harness our emotional drives to feel more alive, and that it’s our internal charge that helps us meet life’s challenges with joy and courage. I love this book.”
—Paulo Coelho, New York Times best-selling author of The Alchemist
“There hasn’t been a game-changing book on personal development in a long time. The wait is over. The Charge confronts our very notions of what drives us as humans, and it brilliantly illuminates the path for how you can feel more alive, productive, and fulfilled. After reading this book you’ll find a new internal charge that’s stronger and more energized than you ever imagined possible.”
—Jack Canfield, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series
and author of The Success Principles
“Every once in a while you read a book that completely changes how you think about your life, igniting within you a new internal drive to be more, do more, and give more. This is that kind of book.”
—David Bach, #1 New York Times bestselling author of
The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late, Finish Rich
“I look for authenticity and proof when I learn from someone, and I can share that Brendon Burchard is one of the most engaged, energetic, and enthusiastic people I’ve ever met. I’ve always wanted to know how he developed such a remarkably strong internal charge. This book reveals his secrets. If you too want to perform at higher levels of joy, engagement, and productivity—buy this book. It’s a must-read for any serious student of success and high performance.”
—Darren Hardy, Publisher of SUCCESS magazine and
New York Times best-selling author of The Compound Effect
“The Charge will change your life. Our brains are hard wired to meet specific human drives, and learning to harness and activate those drives is the secret to success and happiness. This is a smart and beautifully written book, and it will electrify your life. Get this book!”
—Daniel G. Amen, MD, New York Times best-selling author of
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
Jeg anbefaler at du får tak i boken nå mens de gis bort, før den offisielle lanseringen. Du kan se i videoen at Brendon er giret foran denne lanseringen.
Brendon presenterer alt boken handler om her:
Brendons siste bok ble en nummer 1 bestselger på New York Times sin liste. Denne boken er vistnok bedre!
Få din bok i dag!
Kan være en fin ting å bli inspirert til mer liv i livet. Er det ikke det vi ønsker alle sammen, å ha glede og lykke i livene våre. Gleder meg til boka kommer 🙂
Bestilt boken selv som sagt.
Og har også bestilt fjorårets opptak av seminaret som går ut på det samme, som er på 4 dager. Heldigvis er seminaret komprimert ned til ca 4 timer for hver dag, noe som gir 16 timer med opptak, masse nyttig info.
Har sett de 2 første videoene allerede 🙂 Skal man på seminaret i år så er det info om det her
Tilbaketråkk: Tilstedeværelse |